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​NRG Executive Search & Selection has an exceptional track record in delivering world-class appointments at senior leadership and executive level across public, private, and higher education charitable sectors.

Our long-lasting relationships with the most talented leaders in their respective industries, along with market-leading insight, brings gravitas to each assignment.

Capacity and Capability

Our comprehensive, research-led approach, in-house profiling expertise and sound judgement, coupled with a framework that evaluates board dynamics and cultural make-up, ensures that we identify the right talent for each of our clients.

Business Transformation & Change

The requirement for executive level talent typically arises at times of significant business transformation and change. NRG align with senior business leaders to understand the motivations, aspirations, culture and values of their business, working together to strengthen the leadership team – often as a result of private equity investment, significant market movements or business restructuring.

Board Diversity

We understand that diversity of thinking enhances innovation, boosts productivity, and fosters business growth.

We value and promote diversity and are committed to equality of opportunity for all with appointments made on merit. We believe that the best boards are those that reflect the communities they serve. Our commitment towards conscious inclusion and culture add ensures our practice engages with talent from disparate and under-represented backgrounds to present clients with the finest talent in the market, matched against skills, experience, values, and behaviours.

Testament to our success is the number of strategic partnerships we maintain with businesses looking to attract highly skilled talent. We offer real-world consultancy and advice on evolving market trends, creating a seamless search experience and positive candidate journey.

Non-Executive & Chair Appointments

NRG’s team of Executive Search Consultants have long-lasting relationships with the most talented leaders in their respective industries, leaving us ideally placed to match the best talent available during the optimum time in their careers to consider Non-Executive involvement.

We understand that Non-Executive board members can invigorate teams and provide unique experiences and insight to influence business growth and development. Our executive search practice has over a decade long track-record of recommending Non-Executive candidates to businesses where their skills and expertise can genuinely add significant value and impetus.

Our commitment towards conscious inclusion and culture add engages with talent currently underrepresented in chair and non-executive roles.

‘Real-Time’ Talent Pool

Our highly experienced team of executive search consultants maintain a ‘real-time’ network of strong, relevant candidates who have expressed an interest in Non-Executive roles. They continually assess their compatibility and suitability to ensure both the candidate and the role are the ideal match. We consider periods of tenure as well as currency of talent to add real value to the Boards of our client partners.

Our talent pool constantly evolves to introduce early and newly retired business leaders who possess the expertise and drive to make a genuine impact within a Non-Executive capacity.

Our network also comprises of experienced Non-Executives who have begun to express an interest in or have prior experience of chairing Boards. This enables us to immediately identify individuals with the integrity, proven ability, and personality dynamics to operate successfully as a Chair.

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Jobs in Executive Search & Selection

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Chair of Trustees
Newcastle upon Tyne

We’re excited to share that we’re looking for an experienced, passionate and innovate Chair of Trustees, to provide inclusive and collaborative leadership to Everyturn and our board. As our Chair o...

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