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Recruiter's Insight: Junior Software Developers

  • Publish Date: Posted about 3 years ago
  • Author:by Peter Reed

​Tech Recruitment Consultant Peter Reed is able to share more insights into the tech industry. This time he is looking at the career prospects of Junior Software Developers.

"When I graduated from Durham University in 2014, I can remember being stuck in a turbulent market with few jobs opportunities while trying to discern exactly what my long-term career goals were. It was very tough. I was performing my expected duty: newly graduated, passionate but without the five years of unrealistic professional experience companies were looking for. It can be a very disheartening time for those fresh out of university.

I started a new job at NRG recently as a Tech Recruitment Consultant. Through this I’ve discovered one particular graduate market that my younger self would be very jealous of… Junior Software Developers.

Coding is an interest that has grown in popularity recently, both at home and at universities. As such, there are a plethora of excellent, young, forward- thinking and passionate developers out there looking for roles.

In my experience employers that are advertising for junior roles are experiencing an influx of excellent CVs showcasing varying types of experience and knowledge - it’s a very exciting market!

There is knock-on effect to this. The much tougher, more saturated market of mid-level developers is being opened up for junior candidates that are creative and innovative. Thankfully, I have the opportunity to work with some of the very best candidates at NRG.

The Developer Market

All of this means the developer market is lining up a very exciting future. Both for the businesses recruiting and for the candidates looking for exciting and innovative careers within the sector.

My advice to graduates, whether you’re C#, Java, PHP, or any discipline, is to simply apply. Companies are opening their eyes to the possibilities of what you can provide them with in the future. The senior market is dependent on extensive specialist experience.

Over the last few months, I have spent time within the tougher mid-level to senior developer market. It’s clear that those who have been in development for around three to four years or more are very happy in their roles and are more passive in their job searching.

They are the chameleons of the development world. They’re aware that differentiating themselves by choosing specialisms in particular languages makes them an extremely valuable asset. Niche, specialist technology companies are in need of their skills. The experience they possess is their most important asset. The industry is constantly in need of mid-level to senior developers to help young innovative companies grow.


It is clear, then, that the graduates who are fresh into the business will benefit from choosing a niche specialism down the line. Companies who require their skillset will pay very well and value them. This leads to promotions later on. It is clear from working within the IT recruitment space that the retention of these senior developer staff is excellent and a critical part of company growth.

As a result I am able to approach these types of candidates with more tailored and considered roles.

These roles are catered to their individual skillsets, circumstances and needs as a professional. Opportunities need to be competitive as more often than not their current role already provides all of that.

At NRG this tailored approach to candidates is always the goal."

Peter is currently working with several companies in the tech sector who are looking to invest in junior candidates with a passion for the industry.

He and the rest of the tech team are available for a confidential chat. If you're a candidate looking for your next opportunity or simply want to gauge the market, get in touch here.