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Top Tips for Video Interviews

  • Publish Date: Posted about 6 years ago
  • Author:by Julie Mordue

Video interviews are becoming a much more common element in the recruitment process, widely used by both agencies and employers alike, so it’s important that you know how to prepare.

As an Account Manager at greenbean by NRG, Georgia Scott manages key client accounts across sectors such as financial services, manufacturing and engineering, contact centre and clinical.

Regularly conducting video interviews with candidates as part of the recruitment process, Georgia has a number of top tips to share with you about how to prepare.​

#1 Dress for success

Dress just as you would when attending a face-to-face interview. As well as giving the best first impression, this also puts you in the right professional mind set for answering interview questions. Just because the interview may be in the comfort of your own home doesn’t mean the interview itself is any less professional!

#2 Stage your surroundings

Ensure there will be no interruptions or distractions during your interview, such as pets, children, phone calls or background noise. The best advice is to ensure you’re in a room by yourself.

You should also ensure that your backdrop is neutral and professional with nothing to detract attention from you during the interview, and the room should be well lit so that your interviewer can see you clearly.

#3 Test your equipment

Ensure you test your equipment BEFORE your video interview is due to begin. Most importantly, you should check that your internet connection is stable and that your camera and microphone are both working correctly. Secondly, ensure that your username on the video-calling software you’re using is professional, as this will be visible to the interviewer!

Take the time to position the camera so that your head and shoulders are framed on screen, and be online 5-10 minutes in advance of your video interview, just as you would arrive early for a face-to-face interview.

#4 Prepare questions and answers in advance

Always do your research and preparation beforehand. Find out what you can about the company and the role ou’re applying for, prepare for commonly asked interview questions, and have your own questions prepared for the interviewer.

The beauty of a video interview is that you can have your notes alongside you to glance at when needed – but be careful not to make this too obvious to the interviewer – a glance really is all it should be!

#5 Maintain eye contact and body language

While this might sound strange for a video interview, it’s important to maintain eye contact and keep your body language in check. Ensure you’re consistently looking at the screen to give your interviewer the impression that you’re engaging directly with them, and ensure your posture remains professional throughout and you don’t begin to slump or lean.